Short notice about an awesome giveaway
Farm Girl Cat has a Great giveaway going on over on her blog and let me tell you whom ever wind those lovely earrings she has made will Really be getting a unique hand crafted pair of beauties. ( I hope i win, i hope i win.)
there is little time left to sign up , I believe it's by mid night tonight.
Now if you miss this one , follow her blog because she apparently will be repeating these giveaways in the future.
Good Luck and Blessings !
Ma Fey
Recipe To Help Flood Survivors
16 hours ago would be great if you posted about my giveaways. i will be doing one a week for a while so fell free to post about all of them if you wish! you answered the questions. some of those sectional plates were dinner or lunch plates used to keep foods separate. of course! how cool!