So while I am off to the garden to do the days chores and harvest more spring greens , I thought I would share my first trip to the greenhouse with you. It opened March 1st and usually I have been up there several times by now, BUT I FINALLY made it there yesterday! (It's been a long strange month I tell ya!)
so here we go !
If you are in Indiana, and want to check them out , here is thier web page with all the pertinent info .
I love this large succulent planting in thier cactus house!
Hindu rope plants and peperomias
I Have GOT To have one of these ! Must!! Must!!Must!!!
don't you just love all the colors?
The EASTER LILIES are starting to Bloom!!!!!
I thinkI am planting some of these in the front flower bed this year.. aren't they the cutest?
you have to click on this one at least to see all the beautiful leaf textures and colors...
but they sure looked pretty
Oh Du... Coleus ! they are Coleus! ( head smack)
I wish you could smell them throughthe computer...mmmmmm!
Lemon Thyme is again one of my favorite Thyme varieties! I cook and craft with it a lot!
Look at those Rosemary Plants!!!!
again I wish i could share the smell... oh yes! I walked right up and put my nose in amongst them and rubbed the branches just a bit .... Heaven I tell ya! Heaven!
Terrygone! (tarragon)
I will need plenty before thier all gone!
Aaaaaa! Lavender! I will be needing about a flat of these this yearI think! Yup... a flat or 2 will do to place along my brick walkway..
Look at all the lovely little ferns.... humm, I thinkI need some of those... but alas not this trip.
Isn't this lovely !! It's one of my favorit corners of the greenhouse !
which one shall I take home???
Ok, there are plenty of the little green leaved on so that narrows it down to between the two with pinks in them...
Husband I am going to turn my back while you mix the two up in your hands and I will take the one that is in the hand I call out..
I Choose..ummm...... Both.. O.k., o.k. ......... I choose your right hand!
so which one went home with me????
The little pink heart shaped leaf one! WOOWHOO!
We also brought home some candy onion plants and some Walla Walla Washinton onions.
What a wonderful trip this was. My body was warmed and my spirits lifted .
Aint it the truth Baby!!!!!!!
Aint it the truth!
Till later then,
I hope you are all having a Green, Sunny, Grrooovvveey Day filled with blooming blessings!
Oh, and if you haven't already, please Don't forget to enter my gaarooooovey giveaway! (9 pieces of amethyst and a sweet grass braid.. hmmm.. who will be the lucky winner???)
Ma Fey
The 1st trip to the nursery in the spring is always so exciting!
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